Production information: This short film was produced in May 2022 by J². With the topic about racism and unfairness this film pays attention on an important and current problem in most people’s life. The specialty about Gleißendes Licht not only depends on the story, also on the way it is filmed. Most of the film is shot digital on an ARRI AMRIA and a few parts on 35mm Kodak Vison 3 with an Arricam LT. The mix of both film materials is used as a stylistic device adjusted to the story.
Story: It is a dark night at a train station. Two strangers named Jason and Konstantin share the same bench while waiting for their train. Jason, a young black man, is listening to his music and enjoys the beats. Konstantin, a white young broker, is waiting for another reason and extremely frustrated in his life. Jason's helpfulness to Konstantin is out of balance with Konstantin's racial hate. At least this situation leads both into a dangerous fight.
© A J-SQUARE production /Director: Joelle Fatima Fuchs /DoP: Jonas Brans